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Current Location:首页  >  Product center  >  Conventional household and commercial dehumidifiers  >  Villa type commercial dehumidifier  >  DH-825B Shanghai has environmental protection type household dehumidifier DH-825B

Shanghai has environmental protection type household dehumidifier DH-825B

Brief description:Shanghai has environmental protection household dehumidifier product main function
Fully intelligent LED temperature display, easy to use
Automatic temperature control, precise control of ambient humidity
Intelligent operation, * humidity scale setting
* Anti-vibration and anti-slip universal wheel casters, easy to move
Built-in anti-leakage water tray, external soft water pipe can be continuously drained
Electronic temperature control defrosting, low temperature application, defrosting better, faster
Suitable for office, bedroom, study room, research room, archive room, storage room, etc

  • Product model:DH-825B
  • Nature of manufacturer:manufacturer
  • Update time:2024-05-16
  • Number of enquiries: 1401

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Detailed introduction

品牌ZHONGYOU/ ZhongyouOverall dimensions (L * W * H)370*250*630mm
Operating ambient temperature5~38℃Applicable area20~60m2
Circulating air volume550m3/hDehumidification capacity25L/天
Application typeA household dehumidifierPrice range面议
Type of instrumentDehumidifier (with compressor)Category of origin国产
Application fieldHealth, environmental protection, food, chemical, electronics

Shanghai has environmental protection household dehumidifier product main function

Fully intelligent LED temperature display, easy to use
Automatic temperature control, precise control of ambient humidity
Intelligent operation, * humidity scale setting
* Anti-vibration and anti-slip universal wheel casters, easy to move
Built-in anti-leakage water tray, external soft water pipe can be continuously drained
Electronic temperature control defrosting, low temperature application, defrosting better, faster
Suitable for office, bedroom, study room, research room, archive room, storage room, etc

Fully intelligent LED temperature display, easy to use
Automatic temperature control, precise control of ambient humidity
Intelligent operation, * humidity scale setting
* Anti-vibration and anti-slip universal wheel casters, easy to move
Built-in anti-leakage water tray, external soft water pipe can be continuously drained
Electronic temperature control defrosting, low temperature application, defrosting better, faster
Suitable for office, bedroom, study room, research room, archive room, storage room, etc

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